Discover 100 Ways to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Discover 100 Effective Ways to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome!

Alane Wincek, ND, CNC
holistic nutritionist, naturopath, metabolic specialist, author
678-372-2913 / [email protected]

June 26, 2023

Discover 100 Effective Ways to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome


This guide can help you lose weight and improve your health if you have metabolic syndrome.

It will also teach you

 metabolic syndrome

  • How to clear metabolic pathways
  • How to reset your metabolism
  • What is metabolic health
  • What slows down your metabolism
  • What vitamins help metabolism
  • What is a slow metabolism
  • How to improve metabolic health so you get the weight loss and health-improving results you want. The author used these techniques to lose 30 pounds in 12 weeks and keep it off. This guide can help you achieve it as well.

A common challenge for women with metabolic syndrome is shedding excess weight. To assist with this, I have delved into various strategies that can facilitate weight loss success. I divided this blog into sections so you can navigate easily.

Metabolic Syndrome Diet:

Discover how to heal your metabolism with the right foods in this informative segment.

1) Evaluating the amount of protein

A healthy diet will consist of 80-100 grams of lean protein and a side of non-starchy vegetables. This will prevent insulin spikes and is beneficial for lean body mass with greater fat loss.

2) Cutting the Carbohydrates

A lower carbohydrate diet will normally reverse metabolic syndrome. If you have more weight to shed, you should consume fewer grams of net carbs. For significant weight loss, aim for a daily intake of 30 net carbs.

3) Fat Consumption

There is a real difference between protein and fat. Avoid eating a lot of fat because too much fat can lead to high triglycerides and risk of heart disease. The daily need is around 7 grams per meal or around 20 grams per day. The most healthy fat is olive oil for good cholesterol.

Note: Read my section on leptin and fat storage markers

4) Avoiding Insulin Spikes

When we consume foods that convert to glucose and create more insulin, this will make the process of weight loss difficult. High insulin will cause you to store more fat.

5) Sugar Consumption

Sugar creates more fat storage and makes your brain crave even more sugar. The Extra sugar buildup creates more fat storage and leads to elevated cholesterol levels.

6) Plant Power

A heart and overall healthy diet for metabolic syndrome is when you focus on whole, plant-based foods. A plant-rich diet is high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and olive oil.

Incorporate additional non-starchy vegetables into your daily diet, particularly leafy greens.

7) When to consider adopting a plant-based diet.

If your risk for heart disease is high, after undergoing detailed cardio labs, you may want to consider a vegan diet. This includes not just looking at a basic lipid test, it involves cardio proteins and inflammation markers. It is possible to get enough protein from plants.

Note: see the comprehensive metabolic testing section.

8) Keto Diet and Metabolic Syndrome

A keto diet is low carb but the focus on fat is too high. A diet high in fat is not heart-healthy and is difficult to maintain. The research is not clear if a keto diet is truly effective for weight loss and good health. If you do choose to eat keto, avoid saturated fats.


Understanding Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome

9) High Triglycerides and Elevated LDL

Triglycerides are considered high when they exceed 150 while surpassing 100 is a cause for concern for LDL levels. Consider a mostly plant-based diet with lean protein on the side.

10) Weight Gain or Needing to Lose Weight

If someone carries of their weight around their belly, they may have metabolic syndrome. Abdominal obesity is another popular term. Men with waist sizes exceeding 40 inches and women with waist sizes exceeding 35 inches may be at risk.

Consider 80-100 grams of lean protein per day, low fat and lots of greens.

11) High Blood Sugar

Fasting blood sugar over a 100 or a hemoglobin A1C over 5.7 puts you at risk for metabolic syndrome.

12) Type 2 Diabetes

You do not need to have full blown Diabetes for metabolic syndrome to be present. You may have pre diabetes instead. Having metabolic syndrome puts you at a greater risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Focus on a diet with lean protein, greens, berries and avoid starches and foods that will convert to sugar.

13) High Blood Pressure

AARP considers blood pressure above 130 / 85 as high. Excess weight triggers the production of fat storage hormones that elevate blood pressure levels. When someone has high blood pressure we focus on lean protein, berries and greens and incorporate olive oil into your diet. Lowering sodium and increasing potassium rich foods may be beneficial.

14) Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is one cause of metabolic syndrome. Your cells do not respond normally to insulin or glucose anymore. This causes your blood sugar to go up and your body produces even more insulin which leads to even more complications. Diet guidance- see #12

Comprehensive Metabolic Testing

15) TSH Levels

Thyroid stimulating hormone ranges vary between providers. Your pituitary gland creates TSH. The slower the pituitary puts out TSH, the higher your TSH on lab results. The higher your TSH the slower your metabolism is.

Traditional practitioners typically aim for a TSH level below 4.5, while functional medicine specialists prefer it to be below 3.0. It's important to consider the complete thyroid profile.

16) Free T3 and Free T4

FT3 is the most important thyroid hormone. Most of the functions of your thyroid come from T3. T3 stimulates metabolism, benefits your gut, improves your weight and helps your mood.

T4 is vital to your thyroid function as it converts to T3 in the liver.

17) Thyroid antibodies

To find Hashimoto's, a disease that harms the thyroid, clinicians test for thyroid peroxidase and antithyroglobulin antibodies. If positive, autoimmunity may be present and we suggest a PALEO type diet.

18) Leptin

Leptin plays a role in controlling appetite, energy levels, and metabolic processes.. Leptin influences insulin sensitivity, and fat metabolism. High leptin is associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

The higher your leptin, the higher your fat storage and weight.

19) Fatty Liver Markers

Non alcoholic fatty liver is the buildup of at in your liver. Your liver should only have a small amount of fat in it. The function of your liver is to eliminate harmful substances from your bloodstream.

20) Vitamins to Break Down Fat

B Complex, B12 and folate can help with metabolic syndrome when paired with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Folate and B12 are vital for cell metabolism.

21) Insulin

If your insulin level is high, change your diet and lifestyle. In functional medicine, many providers aim for a fasting level below 7. In traditional medicine, a fasting insulin over a 19 indicates full blown insulin resistance.

Prevention is the key.

22) C Reactive Protein (the inflammation marker)

Inflammation is characteristic of metabolic syndrome. CRP is the best marker of inflammation and is a predictor of future cardio events. CRP impairs insulin signaling and contributes to heart disease.

23) Homocysteine Levels

High homocysteine levels are often linked to metabolic syndrome. Low B vitamin levels, especially b12 and folate, can raise homocysteine levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

To check for metabolic imbalances that affect your weight and health, click here for more information. With all test orders, we provide you with a free and personalized protocol so you can get the results you want.

Toxins, Hormones, and Metabolism

To fix your metabolism, find and remove any obstacles that are affecting it.

metabolic syndrome

24) Saliva instead of blood

Saliva testing measures the amount of hormone available to target tissues – the bioavailable amount. If hormones test high - it indicates hormone overload in your tissues and fat cells.

25) Cortisol is the adrenal stress hormone. When cortisol tests are high in the saliva there is usually weight gain, higher stress, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, and metabolism issues.

26) High Androgen Hormones

High levels of free testosterone or DHT in saliva may indicate a metabolic problem such as PCOS. Symptoms in women may be hair loss, facial hair, acne, weight gain, infertility, and irregular periods.

When testosterone or DHT are high in the saliva, there is usually metabolic difficulties.

27) Estrogen

If estrogen tests high in the saliva it can lead to weight gain and metabolic syndrome. The main reason for high estrogen in the tissues are medications, body fat stress alcohol, liver problems, and chemicals in the environment.

28) More on Saliva Testing

Hormones go into the blood and stick to proteins.

2% of the hormone is free to move into the tissues (like adipose, or fat)

Saliva tells you the free level - moving into the adipose tissues affecting your weight.

Note: You do not have to be using hormones for them to show up high in your tissues.

29) Endocrine Disruption

One reason for high levels of hormones in fat cells is toxin buildup from the environment. This includes pesticides, fertilizers, plastics, chemicals, etc.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals interfere with your metabolism and hormones contributing to metabolic syndrome risks.

30) Pesticides

According to Science Direct, pesticide exposure increases the risk of Metabolic Syndrome, especially organochlorine pesticides.

Chemicals in the environment may cause obesity and metabolic diseases, according to evidence.

31) Plastics

Bisphenol A is linking to metabolic syndrome in human tissue. BPA is a Chemical for hard plastics, BPA lowers hormone adiponectin that controls insulin sensitivity

32) Results provide direction

Running Saliva hormone testing and environmental toxicity testing will provide you with answers and direction.

Healthy Lifestyle for Metabolic Syndrome

This section is excellent for everyone, including women wanting to know how to increase your metabolism after 40, 50, and even 60.

33) Get Active - no gym required

Walking fast is an easy way to be more active. Walk briskly for 30 minutes each day, keeping your heart rate at 50-60% of your maximum. This is a comfortable and purposeful pace.

Note: Basic MHR for Men is 220 minus age / for Women is 226 minus age

34) Picking up the Pace

Walk faster for 45-60 minutes a day at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

35) Eat During an 8-10 Hour Window

Choose a specific 8-10 hour window in your daily routine for meals and stick to it. This routine can aid in fat burning, particularly in the abdominal area.

Example: eat from 8am - 6pm / eat from 9am - 7pm

36) Sleep for Success

Does your metabolism slow down when you sleep?

Adequate sleep can aid in weight loss. Sleep reduces cortisol which is the stress eating hormone. Have a scheduled bedtime and wake time so your circadian rhythm is consistent.

37) Weight Training

Resistance training is vital to your success. Lifting weights can make muscles leaner and reduce metabolic syndrome. Lifting weights can boost your mood by improving blood flow to your brain.

Lifting weights helps lower insulin resistance. It helps your body stop storing carbs as fat.

38) Lose Weight

A Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight and reverse metabolic syndrome. It includes lean protein, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and olive oil.

A Mediterranean diet plan can also help reduce your blood sugar levels and belly fat.

39) Rotate Your Exercise

Switch up your workouts to stay interested and achieve better results.

Monday - Brisk 30 - 60 minute walk

Tuesday - Resistance Training with Weights and Resistance Bands

Wednesday - Brisk 60 minute walk

Thursday - take a 45-minute stroll in a shopping center, utilizing the stairs or escalators to ascend.

Friday - Resistance Training with Weights and Resistance Bands

Saturday - enjoy an outdoors bike ride

Sunday - your choice

Unlock the key to understanding how to jumpstart your metabolism by shaking things up. A healthy, realistic diet and exercise plan can help you see excellent results. 

40) Stress Reduction

Allow yourself to pause and unwind. Reduce exposure to news if it causes anxiety. Take care of yourself and make you a priority. Disconnect for a few hours a day from electronics and the world.

41) Be Smartly Social

Stress reduction also has to do with choosing friends wisely. If certain friends or acquaintances are stressing you, take a break from them, on a short term or long term basis.

Less stress = less cortisol = less belly fat.

What Vitamins Boost Metabolism?

metabolic syndrome

42) B Vitamins

The B vitamins play a vital role in energy and metabolism. The author, a holistic nutritionist takes a B complex daily plus extra folate and B12.

B12 needs B6 to work well with fats and proteins.

B6 helps you metabolize proteins

B1 aids in the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

43) Increase B's in Your Diet

Dietary sources such as meat, fish, milk, eggs, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds provide the body with B vitamins. Leafy greens are also very healthy and have plenty of B vitamins.

44) Vitamin D

Studies have shown that women with a lower vitamin D level have more fat. Vitamin D helps with blood sugar, immune health, energy, bones, heart, skin, and insulin sensitivity.

There are many studies about how much vitamin D a person may need. I personally take 5000 IU of D3 with K2 daily

45) Increase D's in Your Diet

Foods high in vitamin D include egg yoks, fatty fish, beef liver, fortified milk (dairy and plant based) and fortified cereals.

46) Calcium and Your Metabolism

There is research that states that calcium when given with D3 supports weight loss. My focus is on getting calcium from food.

Add dairy to the list if possible, but I prefer veggies, seeds, and almonds for calcium. Lots of non-dairy products add calcium to their products now.

47) Magnesium and Metabolic Health

Your body requires magnesium to actively produce energy. Magnesium is vital for metabolism and energy.

Magnesium stops constipation and detoxifies. Magnesium draws in water to your colon to help soften stools and make them easier to pass.

Some people need 200mg at night of Magnesium and others need 500mg. I always suggest taking it at night and to bowel tolerance. Glycinate is the gentlest form.

48) Increase Magnesium Rich Foods

These foods have lots of magnesium: dark chocolate, avocado, tofu, nuts, seeds, spinach, veggies, beans, bananas, fish, grains, and potatoes.

Note: Potatoes are high in starch which turns to sugar, so I would avoid them.

49) My Favorite Ketones

I am not a fan of the high fat keto diet, but I am a fan of drinking therapeutic ketones. I have been enjoying the health and metabolic benefits of ketones for almost 5 years. I drink the NAT / OS / Max with caffeine in the morning and the decaf in the afternoon. They taste absolutely delicious.

Here is a link to my favorite ketones.

My favorite answer to how to boost metabolism after 40 or 50 is to drink more ketones.

50) Chromium

Chromium is a crucial mineral for aiding metabolic syndrome. It helps control blood sugar, cholesterol, insulin, and heart health.

My favorite type of chromium is polynicotinate as it seems to be better absorbed.

51) Bitter Melon

My favorite herb to support people with metabolic syndrome is Bitter Melon. It may help lower blood sugar, may help with weight loss, may decrease cholesterol.


Garcinia is a useful herb that can help with obesity, high blood sugar, hunger, and inflammation. Garcinia can help with metabolic syndrome, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, and related problems, says PubMed.


How to Lose Weight With Metabolic Syndrome

53) Extra Weight and Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome usually begins with a little extra belly fat and and a high LDL cholesterol level.

Yes, losing weight is the very first step to manage metabolic syndrome. Losing weight can help reduce your risk factors of heart disease, lower glucose and insulin levels, and cholesterol markers.

54) Increase your steps and get moving

Not everyone can go to the gym regularly due to practical reasons. Start by getting outside, or on a treadmill or exercise bike and commit to 10 minutes a day for a week. If your health allows, increase to 20 minutes a day the following week. And increase as you can until you are at 1 hour a day everyday.

55) Mall Walking

Go to an indoor mall and walk the entire mall. Bring a water bottle with you and leave your credit card at home. Over time park your car in a farther away spot and use the distance as another way to get moving.

56) Pets Can Help You Stay Active

About 2/3rds of people have stated that having a pet helps them to stay active and stick to a routine. The best routine seems to be waking up and immediately taking your dog for a walk that is around 30 minutes.

Feed the dog when you get back from your first walk. They usually enjoy a second walk in the middle of the day for another 30 minutes. If it is hot where you live, wait till the sun goes down for the second walk.

Sharing your home with a pet is good for your health according to AARP.

57) Shop the Whole Food Aisles

IF you are new to improving your daily diet start slow. Begin with shopping only in the whole foods aisles and avoiding the processed foods. Some people call these the outside aisles of the stores and avoiding the inside aisles.

The outside aisles contain the produce, natural meats, unprocessed foods, whole grains. Buy seasonal too.

58) Increase your fiber.

Fiber improves digestion, lowers bad cholesterol, reduces bloating, constipation, and toxin build up in the liver and tissues. Fiber also makes you feel fuller, longer, which prevents overeating.

Women need around 25 grams of fiber per day and men need around 40 grams.

59) Vegetables Are Your Beginning

When making a plate of food, fill half with non-starchy vegetables or salad. Consider eating this half plate of food first, before you eat anything else.

Split the rest of your plate into two quarters. One quarter should contain lean protein. Another part can have healthy grains or starches such as beans butternut squash, sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, or millet.

60) Know Your Protein Count

When I test clients, I often find that most of them have low protein levels and show symptoms of protein deficiency. When I use a bmi calculator they seem to have a higher body mass index bmi and a lower muscle mass.

I ask them to start counting their protein intake and set a goal for 80 grams per day. If labs are still showing protein is too low then we increase it to 100 grams per day.

Protein: healthy meat, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, tofu, seeds, powder, bar (I like vegan bars and drinks).

61) Remove Gluten and Test for Intolerance

When you remove gluten from your diet you are removing bread, pasta, cereal and many packaged foods. For many, gluten may damage your gut lining and digestion making nutrient absorption and weight loss more difficult.

Removing gluten from your diet allows your gut to heal and more many people allows for an easier time losing weight.

See this link for ordering a gluten intolerance test .

63) Being Naturally Gluten Free

If you follow a gluten-free diet and are overweight or obese, choose natural gluten-free foods instead of processed foods. Naturally gluten-free foods are meats, poultry, fruit and vegetables. Gluten-free processed foods have lots of calories, fat, and carbs. They can make you gain weight, have insulin resistance, and increase your chances of artery disease.

64) Count Those Carbs and Keep it Net

Total carbs minus fiber = net carbs

If you want to lose a lot of weight eat only 30 net carbs per day.

If you want to lose weight but it is not a lot, eat 40-50 net carbs per day.

65) Fat is Fat, it is not Protein

Fat is fat, and many people hold onto the fat they eat in their body. If you are focusing on protein, push fat away. Eating low-fat meals can help with weight loss and lower total cholesterol levels, including high triglycerides and high density lipoprotein.

67) Comprehensive Metabolic Labs

Labs are a must when searching for how to fix a slow metabolism.

Order comprehensive metabolic blood work that does not leave anything out. Get the answers you need for weight loss and better health by understanding your metabolism.

Blood tests should check complete thyroid, antibodies, fat storage, inflammation, cardio proteins, gluten intolerance, toxins, metabolism vitamins, and other related factors.

Click Here to Order Labs

Causes of Metabolic Syndrome

68) The PCOS and Insulin Resistance Link

Hormone imbalances, PCOS, and insulin resistance trigger metabolic syndrome in overweight women.

69) Unhealthy Diet

Consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy foods such as carbohydrates, sugary drinks, and processed foods can lead to weight gain in women. Also, it puts you at a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

70) Sedentary Lifestyles

Sitting too much and not exercising enough can lead to metabolic syndrome. Sitting for a long time at work, watching TV, and using screens too much can lead to metabolic syndrome. Less movement and not exercising enough also lead to metabolic syndrome.

Stay active and exercise regularly to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.

71) A High-Sugar, High-Fat Diet

A diet high in sugar and fat greatly contributes to the development of metabolic syndrome. Eating too much sugar causes high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and problems with how your body works.

And, eating foods high in fats increases the risk of weight gain, high cholesterol , and the buildup of visceral fat. These are all risk factors linked to metabolic syndrome.

72) Protein Deficiency

Lack of protein can cause metabolic syndrome as your body requires amino acids for important functions.

Not enough protein can hurt muscles, mess up hormones, and lead to insulin resistance, all linked to metabolic syndrome.

73) Slow Thyroid Function

A lazy thyroid, or hypothyroidism, can trigger metabolic syndrome by slowing down metabolism and messing with hormone regulation.

A slow thyroid can lead to weight gain, high cholesterol, and increased insulin sensitivity, which are signs of metabolic syndrome.

74) Hormone Deficiency

Low hormone levels can lead to metabolic syndrome by impacting the body's response to insulin. This may lead to insulin resistance and elevated blood glucose levels.

Hormone imbalances can impact fat metabolism, causing high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, linked to metabolic syndrome.

75) Environmental Toxins in the Body

Toxins in your body can mess up your hormones and impact how you handle glucose and fats.

This can cause inflammation, disrupt insulin signaling, and eventually lead to metabolic syndrome.

Click to read about a simple urine test for environmental toxins.

Other Health Issues

Let me show you how to restart your metabolism so you can live a healthier life. 

76) The Hidden Link to Heart Disease

Metabolic syndrome ups the risk of heart disease. High blood pressure, blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol, and belly fat strain the heart and blood vessels.

To lower the risk of heart disease from metabolic syndrome, it's vital to make healthy lifestyle choices. To stay healthy, eat well, exercise, keep a good weight, handle stress, and stop smoking.

To keep your heart safe from metabolic syndrome, make sure to manage your weight, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

77) Type 2 Diabetes

Metabolic syndrome raises the chances of getting type 2 diabetes because of insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

Focus on weight loss, healthy living, regular exercise, good eating, and managing blood sugar levels properly.

78) Non - Alcoholic Fatty Liver

Metabolic syndrome can make you more likely to have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This occurs when too much fat piles up in the liver, causing inflammation and possible liver harm.

By eating better and staying active, you can boost your liver health and reverse metabolic syndrome.

79) Chronic Inflammation

Metabolic syndrome can cause long-lasting inflammation anywhere in your body, leading to health problems like obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Food intolerance testing can be helpful in identifying specific foods that may trigger inflammation. Removing trigger foods from your diet actively reduces inflammation and improves the management of metabolic syndrome.

Note: Click here to read about food intolerance testing including gluten

80) Risk of Certain Cancers

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Obesity, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation linked to metabolic syndrome can lead to colorectal, breast, and liver cancer.

Taking steps to reduce metabolic syndrome by living a healthier lifestyle can help lower your risk of these cancers.

81) Cognitive Decline

Metabolic syndrome can contribute to cognitive decline, which can affect your memory, mental sharpness, concentration, and overall brain function.

Obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar can decrease blood flow to the brain. This decrease in blood flow can lead to inflammation, stress, and damage to brain cells.

All of this can put you at an increased risk of developing conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

82) Sleep Troubles

Metabolic syndrome can cause sleep troubles, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

Obesity, insulin resistance, and hormone imbalances can mess up your sleep and the production of sleep-regulating hormones, causing sleep problems.

83) Infertility and Reproductive Health in Women

Insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances can affect ovulation and the menstrual cycle, making it harder for women to get pregnant.

Additionally, excess weight and inflammation in metabolic syndrome can impact fertility by affecting the reproductive organs and hormone levels.


Risk Factors

84) Obesity and Overweight

When you carry excess weight, especially around the belly area, it is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Losing weight, and getting fit and lean will not only improve your body composition but your overall health too.

In order to have successful weight loss, make sure any metabolic testing you do is very comprehensive.

Click Here to Read about comprehensive, metabolic bloodwork

85) Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity, is a significant risk factor for metabolic syndrome.

To gradually make a change, start by doing small bursts of movement throughout the day. For example, take short walks, use stairs instead of elevators, and engage in enjoyable activities such as dancing or gardening. By doing so, you can gradually increase your overall activity level and reduce the amount of time spent sitting.

86) Insulin Resistance

Cutting out sugary foods and reducing insulin demand can lower your risk of metabolic syndrome.

87) High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or elevated blood pressure contributes to the development of metabolic syndrome. Engaging in regular exercise can help individuals naturally lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.

88) High Fasting Blood Glucose Levels

Prediabetes or high fasting glucose increases your risk of metabolic syndrome. Eating a diet of lean protein and non-starchy vegetables can be beneficial.

Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates all lead to high blood sugar levels.

89) Over Age 40

Your age level is a risk level for metabolic syndrome. The higher the age, the higher the risk especially after age 40.

If you are over 40, you can improve your health. You can also lower your risk of metabolic syndrome. Achieving this requires actively eating better, exercising regularly, and effectively managing stress.

Need more help with knowing how to jumpstart your metabolism? We can help!

How to Reduce Stress

metabolic syndrome

90) Regular Physical Activity

Exercise is a powerful stress reducer and can help improve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week if possible.

91) Do Relaxation Techniques

Techniques like deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and tai chi can help promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

92) Self-Care Matters

Taking care of yourself is the priority when learning how to fix a slow metabolism.

To find happiness and relaxation, engage in activities that bring you joy and calmness. These activities can include pursuing hobbies, spending time in nature, listening to music, or taking a soothing bath. These self-care activities actively help reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

93) Eat Healthy and Cut the Sugar

Eating a healthy diet can reduce stress.

This can be achieved by consuming less sugar and more whole foods, lean protein, veggies, and low glycemic fruits. These dietary choices help lower inflammation and blood sugar changes.

94) Seek Support

Reach out to friends, family or a support group to share your feelings and experiences. Talking about your stress and concerns can provide you with the emotional support you need. They can also help you better cope with the challenges of metabolic syndrome.

95) Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness anyway that suits you can help reduce stress. Some ideas are mindful breathing exercises, guided imagery or meditation.

96) Scripting

Scripting is writing positive words or sentences in a notebook to create the outcomes you want.

By doing this, you can reduce stress by thinking positive thoughts and feeling in control of your life.

97) Getting Enough Sleep

Make it a priority to prioritize sleep. Strive to get 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night. This is crucial for reducing stress and maintaining our overall well-being.

It is helpful to establish a bedtime routine. have a good sleep environment and reduce electronics two hours prior to bedtime.


98) Start with comprehensive metabolic labs

Blood tests should check thyroid, energy, fat storage, lipids, heart proteins, inflammation, iron, infection, immune system, and more.

Saliva should include hormones and adrenals

Urine should test for environmental toxins

Food Intolerance Testing Including Gluten

99) Work with a professional that understands the metabolism

Anyone that orders labs from Alane and Nutritionally Yours receives a complementary and personalized protocol so they understand their labs and metabolism. We additionally provide a complimentary 30-minute phone conversation to discuss outcomes.

100) Adjust your diet to reverse metabolic syndrome

Based on your labs, and symptoms, Nutritionally Yours will write up a meal protocol for you.



YouTube ChannelClick Here to watch my favorite metabolic video about the thyroid gland. It is funny, true and an eye-opener.

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Phone: 678-372-2913

Medical Disclaimer - Ask your doctor before taking supplements. This blog is for educational and informative purposes only. Not for diagnosing, curing, or easing medical conditions. How long to reverse metabolic syndrome? I usually see results within 6-8 weeks.
