“Metabolic Testing Near Me: Unlock Your Weight Loss Potential Wherever You Are”

metabolic testing near me

The Best Metabolic Testing Near Me

Alane Wincek, ND, CNC
holistic nutritionist, naturopath, metabolic specialist, author
678-372-2913 / [email protected]

July 14, 2023

Find Metabolic Testing Near Me No Matter Where You Are.

Are you tired of battling with weight loss and searching for solutions that actually work? Look no further! With our specialized metabolic testing program conveniently available, you can achieve effectively lose weight no matter where you are.

Hi, I'm Alane, a holistic nutritionist with over 30 years of experience in helping people improve their body composition and lose weight. Comprehensive testing helps us get to the root causes of weight loss struggles.

I understand that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all approach. That's why I design my personalized metabolic testing near me program to identify the unique factors hindering your weight loss progress.

I can create a customized plan to assist you in achieving long-term results. This plan will address the issues that have been hindering your progress.

Say goodbye to basic weight loss methods that do not work. Start a journey to a healthier you with my special comprehensive metabolic testing.

You Can Do Comprehensive Metabolic Blood Work Anywhere You Live. 

Has anyone said your thyroid levels are normal, but you still feel something is wrong? Trust me, I've experienced this too!

For years, people told me to eat less and exercise more, but it only made me feel frustrated and discouraged. I didn't know how to eat fewer than 900 calories in 24 hours and exercise more without fainting. This did not make any sense.

It was in a functional thyroid class where everything made sense in regards to proper thyroid testing. After checking my blood, I found out that my TSH was 3.2 and my Free T3 was only 2.0. Additionally, the presence of thyroid antibodies indicated that I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

For optimal weight loss, and good health, TSH should be between 1.0. and 2.0. The problem is that traditional medicine considers anything under 4.5 normal.

Free T3 is vital for optimal thyroid functioning and is best around a 3.2.

If thyroid antibodies are positive, it indicates Hashimoto's or autoimmune against the thyroid. A grain free diet is best in this case. My diet focuses on lean protein which helps increase muscle mass and plenty of greens.

Other items my metabolic blood test checks for.

  • Non alcoholic fatty liver indicates your liver is storing fat instead of using it for fuel.
  • Cardio proteins to test the overall health of your heart. These include c-reactive protein and homocysteine.
  • Inflammation levels which impact the effectiveness of burning calories and ability to lose weight.
  • Fat burning vitamins like B12 and folate.

In case you're looking for metabolic testing near me, you might find a nearby location. However, the issue is that their lab tests may not be as thorough as these.

Saliva Hormone and Cortisol Testing

metabolic testing near me

Our metabolic assessments for weight reduction encompass extensive hormone and cortisol tests using saliva. This vital stage aids in establishing if weight loss is feasible for you.

Saliva tests reveal whether hormones are trapped in fat cells, providing insights into the obstacles that impede weight loss. The results of my first saliva hormone test shocked me. All of my hormones were high. When I took some supplements and adjusted my diet to fix the problem, the weight came off.

Also, low saliva hormone levels can contribute to high cortisol levels, creating problems. Elevated cortisol can increase your appetite, cause unwanted weight gain, anxiety, insomnia and slow your metabolism.

By analyzing saliva hormone and cortisol levels, we offer a focused approach to address hormonal imbalances that hinder weight loss progress.

This info helps you make smart choices and use strategies to improve hormone levels and lose weight effectively.

Why our Food Intolerance Test Instead of Seeing Someone Locally for Food Allergies?

Individuals with weight issues commonly do not exhibit true "food allergies" or IgE responses. 

Instead, they often have IgG reactions that trigger inflammation and weight gain. Alternatively, an IgA reaction can result in gut symptoms and hinder proper nutrient absorption.

I use comprehensive food intolerance tests, including both IgG and IgA reactions. This helps you to identify any genuine food reactions that can lead to weight gain. I want to ensure that you have success by not missing anything.


Why Not Just Have a Local Celiac Test?

Relying solely on local or traditional tests for celiac disease may not provide a comprehensive understanding of true gluten intolerance. These tests typically focus on detecting antibodies against a specific protein called gliadin.

Gluten, a wheat protein, has other parts like glutenin and other components that local or traditional tests may not assess. Gluteomorphine for example causes an addictiveness to wheat and prodynorphine leads to pain.

Relying solely on these tests can lead to incorrect results. This can result in continued negative reactions, such as a slow metabolic rate that your body burns fat.

Some people experience a gluten reaction right away while others experience symptoms within a 24 hour period of time or more.

"Unlocking the Truth: Do Toxins Lurk Within Your Fat Cells?"

metabolic testing near me

Chemicals in everyday items like cleaning products, pesticides, plastics, and car fumes can disrupt women's metabolism and lead to weight gain.

Toxins make our bodies produce fat cells to protect us, trapping the toxins and stopping them from harming our health.

By adopting safe and effective methods to detoxify the body and eliminate these toxins, it is easier to lose weight. By reducing the toxin load, the body can release stored fat cells and promote healthier overall well-being.

With all test results, I write up a personalized protocol that will include a healthy and safe detox if needed. 


Discover the Power of Metabolic Testing Near Me: Your Path to Weight Loss Success

Don't let frustrations and disappointments hinder your weight loss goals any longer. Now is the time to seize this opportunity and finally achieve the results you desire.

Embark on a transformative journey with me as your guide and regain control over your body and overall well-being. By ordering your personalized metabolic testing program today, you'll unlock the secret to sustainable weight loss. This program is made for women like you. It will give you the tools to overcome challenges and achieve lasting success.

Don't wait any longer. Take charge of your weight loss journey and embark on this transformative path towards a healthier, happier you. Order your personalized metabolic testing program today and embrace the power of comprehensive metabolic testing.


YouTube ChannelClick Here to watch my favorite metabolic video about the thyroid gland. It is funny, true and an eye-opener.

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Phone: 678-372-2913

Ready to master your metabolism and finally lose weight and keep it off? Great!